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[WEB-limited] Goto konkana kingdom special plan

(5/3-5/6) is a holiday during GW period.
I will usually do business from Tuesday, May 7.
I am sorry to trouble you, but I would like it.
Tour summary

Goto konkana kingdom special plan

This plan becomes a receptionist than two people.
※As I cannot have you choose the room type for a bargain plan. Thank you for your understanding beforehand.

Target period
For from April 20, 2024 to September 30, 2024 departure
※A setting exclusion day: 4/27-5/6, 6/21-6/23, 7/20-8/31
 [round-trip Jetfoil + staying charges () per night with breakfast] 
What 17,500 yen - 19,500 yen of one (adult)!
 [there is actually sampling of the wine locally] 

Travel expenses

┃Goto konkana kingdom

A meal: [breakfast] ○[lunch] ✕ [dinner]✕
※The travel expenses mentioned above do not include bath tax @ 150 yen. Please pay in the field.
※This product catches the furtherance by the specific manned border remote island community maintenance promotion grant of the country.
 [adult (coming and going) 6,600 yen dwarf (coming and going) 3,300 yen]
※With "the additional staying price"…It is the price that it costs when after eyes is added in 2 nights.

Room type (example)

Standard twin①

Standard twin②

Cottage (an example)

Japanese-Western style room

Plan contents

It is included in travel expenses
○Round-trip Jetfoil fare
○Staying charges (per night with breakfast)
​○Sampling experience charges of the wine
○Consumption tax
The departure date
To a share departing from Monday, April 1, 2024 to Monday, September 30 ※There is a setting exclusion day
Deadline for application
Until five business days before the departure date
The application number of people
Two people ...
When each means of transportation, seat is needed in children less than primary schoolchild, it is a dwarf rate.
The sarenai case necessary in a seat becomes free.
Meal condition
With breakfast
Kyushu Syosen tourist bureau 095-823-0423

Method to make a reservation

Apply than the following "reservation request forms".

Please confirm it by all means

Please confirm it by all means

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