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Flow of the mainland going to hospital discount application documents, the use

(1) The thing which is necessary at an outward trip embarkation window (the first time)

① As for mainland going to hospital, it is a medical treatment report
(for the first half) Please fill in an address, a full name in this.
In addition, a proof mark of the medical institution is necessary by all means.
② Islanders-limited discount application
The downloading is possible from Kyushu Syosen homepage, too.
In addition, on the day the embarkation is available for the entry at each port window, too.
③ Medical treatment reporting book (letter of introduction)
I confirm a sealed letter.
※①Please prepare ~③.
In addition, I hope that it is not lost as "mainland going to hospital returns the medical treatment report".

(2) The thing which is necessary at a return journey embarkation window (the first time)

① As for mainland going to hospital, it is a medical treatment report, islanders-limited discount application
(1) ①(2) * Is the same in this.
② Receipts
I confirm the thing which can confirm consultation.

(3) The thing which is necessary for an outward trip embarkation mouth (after the second)

① As for mainland going to hospital, it is a medical treatment situation report
(for a lower half) Please fill in an address, a full name in this.
In addition, a proof mark of the medical institution is necessary by all means.
② Islanders-limited discount application
The downloading is possible from Kyushu Syosen homepage, too.
In addition, on the day the embarkation is available for the entry at each port window, too.
③ Hospital cards
I confirm the thing which a reservation day can confirm.

(4) The thing which is necessary at a return journey embarkation window (after the second)

※(2) ①(2) * Please prepare the same documents in this.


※Of the discount in the ship cannot cope.
※The round-trip ticketing of the Jetfoil is possible. Please report in a starting port.
※When, as for "mainland going to hospital, medical treatment report / situation report" is separated, regardless of after first, second
 It becomes invalid.
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